Research Interests:
Research related to numerical cognition and its affinity with different cognitive domains like language and mathematics and the possible presence of common semantic principles shared across both domains, founded on their cognitive bases and the evolutionary course, and how this relationship between domains could be applied in training programs for children.
Ayala-Cuesta M., Castro, S., Paoilieri D., & Macizo, P. Title: Semantic priming across domains: from language to mathematics. Congress: The Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference 2023 (MCLS). Modality: Poster. Place: Loughborough (United Kingdom). Date: 5-8 June, 2023.
Andras, F., Ayala, M., Ojedo, F., & Macizo, P. Title: Numerical Cognition: Beyond just numbers. Congress: Jornada de Investigación 10o Aniversario CIMCYC. Pasado, Presente y Futuro. Modality: Poster. Place: Granada (Spain). Date: 11-12 May, 2023.
Ayala, M., Castro, S., & Macizo, P. Title: Semantic Priming Between Cognitive Domains: Language and Mathematics. Congress: Reunión Científica Sobre Atención RECA XIII. Modality: Poster. Place: Granada (Spain). Date: 6-8 October, 2022.
Ayala, M., Castro, S., & Macizo, P. Title: Dos vías de acceso para un mismo concepto. Semántica compartida entre dominios cognitivos. Congress: III Congreso Nacional – V Jornadas de Investigadores/as en Formación: Fomentando la interdisciplinariedad (JIFFI). Modality: Oral communication. Place: Granada (Spain). Date: 22-24 June, 2022.
Ayala, M., & Macizo, P. Title: ¿Qué tienen en común el lenguaje y las matemáticas? Semántica compartida entre dominios cognitivos. Congress: I Jornadas Interuniversitarias de estudiantes de Doctorado en Psicología Universidad de Málaga-Universidad de Granada. Modality: Online – Oral communication. Place: Granada (Spain). Date: 5-6 July, 2021.