Fernando Ojedo, Ph.D. Postdoctoral researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and associate professor in the Master’s degree in Neuroeducation at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. He earned his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Granada in 2022 under the supervision of Dr. Pedro Macizo. His research interests focus on numerical cognition and psycholinguistics, although he has also worked on the study of attentional biases and meta-biases in psychological research.
Ojedo, F, González, A, Ruiz, I., Gil, M. Macizo, P. & de Brugada, I. (2023). Nutritional labels and intake regulation an assessment from a food attentional bias approach. Poster: XXIII International Conference of The Spanish Society for Comparative – (Granada, Spain, 20-22 September 2022).
Ojedo, F. & Macizo, P. (2023). The value of banknotes: relevance of size, colour and design. Invited online talk: The Office of Technology Development in Bureau of Engraving & Printing (BEP) – (Washington D.C., EEUU, 22 July 2023).
Ojedo, F. & Macizo, P (2023). Does maths anxiety influence how people process discounts? Poster: 6th Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference – (Loughborough, UK, 5-8 June 2023).
Ojedo, F, González, A, Gil, M. Macizo, P. & de Brugada, I. (2022). Nutritional labels and food intake regulation: The role of external cues in the facilitation effect of food picture detection in visual search tasks. Poster: XXII International Conference of The Spanish Society for Comparative – (Almería, Spain, 21-23 September 2022).
Andras, F., Ojedo, F., Iniesta, A., & Macizo, P. (2022). Global and Local Mechanisms in Number Magnitude Processing. Poster: 4th Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference – (Antwerp, Belgium, 8-9 June 2022).
Ojedo, F. & Macizo, P. (2019). The Value of Euro Banknotes: Relevance of Size, Colour and Design. Poster: Conference of European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) (Tenerife, Spain, 25-28 September 2019).
Ojedo, F. & Macizo, P. (2019). Bases cognitivas y neurofisiológicas del procesamiento monetario. Oral communication: I Meeting SC2 (Jornada Unidad Científica de Excelencia «Salud, Cerebro y Comportamiento») – (Granada, Spain, 27 March 2019).
Ojedo, F. & Macizo, P. (2018). Understanding prices: Electrophysiological evidence of fully compositional analysis. Oral communication: 1st Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference – (Oxford, UK, 8-9 April 2018).
Ojedo, F. & Macizo, P. (2018). The processing of prices across symbolic formats. Poster: 1st Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference – (Oxford, UK, 8-9 April 2018).
Ojedo, F. & Macizo, P. (2017). How do we process prices? Behavioural and electrophysiological evidence of componential analysis. Poster: Conference of European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) (Potsdam, Germany, 3-6 September 2017).
Ojedo, F. & Macizo, P. (2016). Prices are not special: Componential processing of price comparison. Oral communication: Congreso SEPEX-EPS (Oxford, UK, 8-10 July 2016).
Ojedo, F. Sánchez, J., Flumini, A. & Santiago, J. (2016). The directionality of exploration of graphic stories changes the temporal and numeric mental lines. Oral communication: Congreso SEPEX-EPS (Oxford, UK, 8-10 July 2016).
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