
Cristina López-Rojas

Post-doc fellows

Global Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship

My research is focused on the cognitive processes associated with the recall of future intentions and language processing. Specifically, I study how bilingual people perform prospective memory (PM) activities that differ in their requirements (cognitive load, linguistic context, etc.). Also, I’m very interested in exploring how different bilingual experiences and the language in which the task is completed impact these memory processes. In addition to behavioral data, in our studies, we observe the neural correlates of PM in bilinguals recording brain activity using the electroencephalogram (EEG).


Conference Presentations

  • López-Rojas, C., Marful, A., & Bajo, T. (2022, October). Exploring the relation between second language proficiency and cognitive control abilities. RECA XIII. University of Granada, Granada (Spain) – Poster
  • Luque, A., Kubota, M., Rosales C., Nakamura, M., López-Rojas, C., Rodina, Y., Rossi, E., & Rothman, J. (2022, October). Event-Related Potential (ERP) Evidence and the Continuum of Nativeness: Considering Agreement Processing in Spanish as Heritage Language. The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL). Philadelphia (United States)- Poster
  • López-Rojas, C., Marful, A., & Bajo, T. (2022, August). The effect of language switching training over PM performance. UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (Norway) – Poster
  • Luque, A., Rosales C., Nakamura, M., López-Rojas, C., González, M., Rodina, Y., Rossi, E., & Rothman, J. (2022, August). Examining Agreement Processing in Spanish as a Heritage Language: An Event-Related Potential (ERP) Study. 4th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children. UiT The ArcticUniversity of Norway, Tromsø (Norway) – Poster
  • López-Rojas, C., Marful, A., & Bajo, M.T, (July, 2022) “Language switching and working memory in bilinguals”. II Jornadas Interuniversitarias de estudiantes de Doctorado en Psicología Universidad de Málaga-Universidad de Granada. Virtual – Oral presentation
  • López-Rojas, C., Marful, A., & Bajo, M.T, (June, 2022) “Modulando el recuerdo de intenciones futuras: Efectos del bilingüismo sobre Memoria Prospectiva”. JIFFI III Congreso Nacional/ V Jornadas de Investigadores en Formación. Granada. Spain. – Oral presentation
  • López-Rojas, C., Rossi, E., Marful, A., & Bajo, M.T, (May, 2022). «Prospective Memory in bilinguals and monolinguals: ERP and behavioural correlates of prospective processing in bilinguals». International APPE-SEPEX Meeting – Oral presentation
  • Bajo T., Bellegarda M., Iniesta A., López-Rojas C., Marful A., Paolieri A., Reyes M. & Rivera M. (May, 2022). «Divulgando desde la evidencia científica». V Jornadas de Investigación CIMCYC – Poster
  • López-Rojas, C., Marful, A., Pérez, A., & Bajo, M.T, (November, 2021) “Monolinguals and bilinguals prospective memory during text comprehension”. 62st Annual Meeting of Psychonomics Society. Virtual. – Poster
  • López-Rojas, C., Marful, A., Pérez, A., & Bajo, M.T, (June, 2021). «Prospective Remembering in First and Second Language Contexts”. XV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics (ISP). University of Nebrija, virtual. – Poster
  • Bellegarda M., Iniesta A., López-Rojas C., Reyes M. & Rivera M. (May, 2021). «¿Cómo conviven varios idiomas en el cerebro? Transfiriendo la investigación desde el laboratorio a la sociedad». IV Jornadas de Investigación CIMCYC – Poster
  • López-Rojas, C., Marful, A., & Bajo, M.T, (September, 2020) “PROSPECTIVE MEMORY DURING L1 AND L2 PROCESSING: A STUDY WITH BILINGUALS AND MONOLINGUALS”. Bilingualism Matters Research Symposiun. University of Edinburgh, virtual. – Poster
  • López-Rojas, C., & Bajo, M.T, (September, 2019) “PROSPECTIVE MEMORY IN MONOLINGUALS AND BILINGUALS”. 21st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). Universidad de La Laguna. Spain. – Poster
  • López-Rojas, C. (May, 2018) «Cross Cultural Interaction: Learning from Bilingualism». The International Center. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. California. EEUU. – Oral presentation
  • López-Rojas, C., & Bajo, M.T, (June, 2019) “La Memoria Prospectiva en el cerebro bilingüe”. JIFFI II Congreso Nacional/ IV Jornadas de Investigadores en Formación. Granada. Spain. – Oral presentation
  • López-Rojas, C., & Bajo, M.T, (May, 2019) «ESTUDIO DE CORRELACIONES ENTRE MEMORIA PROSPECTIVA Y MEMORIA DE TRABAJO EN BILINGÜES Y MONOLINGÜES». III Jornadas de Investigación CIMCYC, Universidad de Granada. Granada, Spain. – Poster
  • López-Rojas, C. (April, 2018) «Utilidad de aplicar la Batería Leeduca y el Test de Comprensión de Estructuras Gramaticales (TCEG) en dos niños con Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo para la evaluación de Dificultades del Aprendizaje». I Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Málaga. Málaga. Spain. – Poster
  • Maldonado, E., López-Rojas, C., Magarin A., Alamo A., Ortiz P., Muñoz, M., García., S., Martínez-Escribano, A., Marín, L., &, Engüix, A. (October, 2017). «ASSOCIATION AMONG SALIVARY ALPHA-AMYLASE ACTIVITY AND WORKING MEMORY FUNCTIONING IN HEALTHY CHILDREN». Fifty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Society for Psychophysiological Research. Vienna. – Poster
  • Maldonado, E., López-Rojas, C., Magarin A., Alamo A., Ortiz P., Muñoz, M., García., S., Martínez-Escribano, A., Marín, L., &, Engüix, A. (October, 2017). «ASSOCIATION AMONG SALIVARY ALPHA-AMYLASE ACTIVITY AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING IN HEALTHY CHILDREN». Fifty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Society for Psychophysiological Research. Vienna. – Poster


López-Rojas, C. (July, 2023). Prospective Processing in Bilinguals and Monolinguals. Talk at the Bilingualism and Psycholinguistics Research Laboratory led by Prof. Viorica Marian. Northwestern University, Online.

López-Rojas, C. (March, 2023). Recalling future intentions in first and second language contexts. Talk at the Lifespan Cognition and Development Lab led by Prof. Ellen Bialystok. University of York, Online.

López-Rojas, C. (March, 2022). Prospective Memory in Bilinguals and Monolinguals: An EEG study. Talk at the Psycholinguistics Reading Group coordinated by Prof. Jorge Valdés-Kroff (Department of Linguistics). University of Florida (USA).

López-Rojas, C. (May, 2018). Cross Cultural Interaction: Learning from Bilingualism. Talk at the International Center of California State Polytechnic University, California (USA).



  • CIENCIAS+LETRAS=CLAP 2.0. (FCT-22-17688) Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) – Ministry of Science and Innovation – Government of Spain. PI: Esther Nieto (UCLM) | Duration: 01/09/2023 – 30/09/2024 | Amount granted: 20.000€ | Type of participation: Member
  • Teacher Education About Multilingualism (TEAM). ERASMUS + program K2. Funded by European Union. International PI: Anna Ewert – National PI: Alejandra Marful | Duration: 09/01/2020 – 31/08/2023 | Amount granted: 46.808 € | Type of participation: Member
  • How do coexist languages in the brain? Disseminating research from the laboratory to society. (DCT-19-15358) Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) – Ministry of Science and Innovation – Government of Spain. PI: Mª Teresa Bajo | Duration: 01/07/2020 – 30/09/2021 | Amount granted: 6.000€ | Type of participation: Writing – Member


Scientific responsabilities

Reviewer. Journal of the Spanish Society for Experimental Psychology. Psicológica.