
Antonio Iniesta

Former members

Antonio Iniesta, a postdoctoral researcher at McGill University’s Department of Psychology, collaborates with Dr. Titone. He earned his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Granada in 2022. As a Speech Therapist, his research focuses on bilinguals’ writing/typing production, exploring factors like orthographic transparency and learning background. Antonio previously specialized in writing and spelling assessment for children with learning disabilities during his master’s program. His current work delves into processing during reading and writing in bilinguals, emphasizing the impact of individual differences and contextual variability on linguistic processes, including theory of mind and irony.


Conference Presentations

Authors: Iniesta, A., Yang, M., Beatty-Martinez, A., Itzhak, I., Gullifer, J., & Titone D. Title: Leveraging Social Network Data to Ground Multilingual Background Measures: Validating Entropy Part1. Modality: Poster. Congress: Words in the World International Conference (WOW2023). Place: Virtual, Canada. Year: 2023

Authors: Iniesta, A., Bajo, M.T., Rivera, M., Titone, D., & Paolieri, D. Title: Transfer effects from language processing to visual attention dynamics: The impact of orthographic transparency. Modality: Poster. Congress: 24th Annual Neuropsychology Day and Brenda Milner Lecture: Functional Specializations in the Cortex in Humans: Which, When, and Why? Place: Montreal, Canada. Year: 2023

Authors: Iniesta, A., & Titone, D. Title: Sociolinguistic context impacts on language use, and cognition: rethinking multilingual experience. Modality: KEYNOTE. Congress: iBrain Erasmus International Symposium on Heritage Bilingualism. Place: Hyderabad, India. Year: 2023

Authors: Iniesta, A., Rossi, E., Paolieri, D., Titone, D., & Bajo, M.T. Title: The impact of learning background in bilingual writing. Modality: Poster. Congress: PsychoShorts 2023. Place: Ottawa, Canada. Year: 2023

Authors: Mansuri, N., Iniesta, A., Hernandez-Rivera, E., Palma, P., & Titone, D. Title: How does a Person’s L1 Writing Script Impact L2 Reading in a Same or Different Script?. Modality: Poster. Congress: 33rd Annual Meeting of the CSBBCS /SCSCCC. Place: Ontario, Canada. Year: 2023

Authors: Basoglu, E., Hodgins, V., Iniesta, A., & Titone, D. Title: Exploring the trait-like and state-like effects on mentalizing. Modality: Poster. Congress: Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music CRBLM Scientific Day. Place: Montreal, Canada. Year: 2023

Authors: Casado, A., Pérez, A., Iniesta, A., Benigno, G., Arribas, J., Bajo, T. Paolieri, D. Title: The Bi-Multilingualism Prism. Modality: Poster. Congress: – CIMCYC 10th Anniversary Research Conferences, Past, Present and Future. Place: Granada, Spain. Year: 2023

Authors: Bajo, T., Bellergada, M., Iniesta, A., López-Rojas, C., Marful, A., Paolieri, D., Reyes, M., & Rivera, M. Title: Disseminating from scientific evidence. Modality: Poster. Congress: – V Jornadas de Investigación del CIMCYC. Place: Granada, Spain. Year: 2022

Authors: Bellergada, M., Iniesta, A., López-Rojas, C., Reyes, M., & Rivera, M. Title: How do multiple languages coexist in the brain? Transferring research from the laboratory to society. Modality: Poster. Congress: – IV Jornadas de Investigación del CIMCYC. Place: Granada, Spain. Year: 2021

Authors: Iniesta, A., Rossi, E., Bajo, M.T., & Paolieri, D. Title: The interplay of orthographic and phonological similarity during bilingual writing production. Modality: Poster. Congress: XV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. Place: Online. Year: 2021.

Authors: Iniesta, A., Rossi, E., Bajo, M.T. & Paolieri, D. Title: The cognate effect in word writing: evidence from late bilinguals and heritage speakers. Modality: Poster. Congress: Virtual Conference of Experimental Psychology SEPEX. Place: Online. Year: 2021.

Authors: Iniesta, A., Paolieri, D., & Bajo, M.T. Title: Attentional effects associated with the processing of transparent and opaque languages. Modality: Poster. Congress: Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium. Place: University of Edinburgh/Online. Year: 2020.

Authors: Iniesta, A. Title: Writing production in bilingualism. Modality: Conference. Place: Ph.D. Program of University of Granada, Spain. Year: 2020.

Authors: Iniesta, A. Title: Writing Production in Bilingualism. Modality: Conference. Linguistic Seminar in the University of Florida. Place: Gainesville, USA. Year: 2019.

Authors: Iniesta, A., Paolieri, D., Serrano, F., & Bajo, M.T. Title: Cross-linguistic orthographic effect in bilingual writing production. Modality: Poster. Congress: 5th Annual Florida Psycholinguistics Meeting. Place: Miami, USA. Year: 2019.

Authors: Iniesta, A., Paolieri, D., Serrano, F., & Bajo, M.T. Title: Bilingual writing co-activation: lexical and orthographic processing in a word dictation task. Modality: Poster. Congress: XIV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. Place: Tarragona, Spain. Year: 2019.

Authors: Iniesta, A., Rivera, M., García-Gámez, A., & Quesada, T. Title: Lights and Shadows of bilingualism. Modality: communication. Congress: Conference for Researchers in Training Promoting Interdisciplinarity [III Jornadas de Investigadores en Formación Fomentando la Interdisciplinariedad (JIFFI)]. Place: Granada, Spain. Year: 2019.

Authors: Iniesta, A., Andras, F., Bajo, M.T., & Paolieri, D. Title: Orthographic co-activation in bilingual writing. Modality: communication. Congress: Conference for Researchers in Training Promoting Interdisciplinarity [II Jornadas de Investigadores en Formación Fomentando la Interdisciplinariedad (JIFFI)]. Place: Granada, Spain. Year: 2018.

Authors: Mata, S. Iniesta, A., & Serrano, F. Title: Assessment of the Learning Potential of Writing. Modality: poster. Congress: XXX Internacional AELFA-IF/CLPV Congress [Spanish Association of Speech Therapy, Phoniatrics and Audiology]. Place: Granada, Spain. Year: 2018

Authors: Iniesta, A., Conejero, A., Pozuelos, J.P., Rueda, R., & Serrano, F. Title: Study of the neural correlates associated with spelling decisions. Evidence in students with learning difficulties. Modality: poster. Congress: XXX Internacional AELFA-IF/CLPV Congress [Spanish Association of Speech Therapy, Phoniatrics and Audiology]. Place: Granada, Spain. Year: 2018

Authors: Iniesta, A., Ruz, A., & Serrano, F. Title: Intervention for the improvement of writing and spelling in students with special educational needs (SEN). Modality: communication. Congress: II International Congress 2017: Society, Education and Inclusion. Place: Granada, Spain. Year: 2017.

Authors: Iniesta, A., and Serrano, F. Title: Design of an intervention program for the improvement of writing and spelling. Modality: poster. Congress: XXX International Congress AELFA-IF/CLPV (Spanish Association of Speech Therapy, Phoniatrics and Audiology). Place: Bilbao, Spain. Year: 2016.



How do several languages coexist in the brain? Transferring the investigation from the laboratory to the community (reference fct-19-15358; Grant for the promotion of scientific, technological and innovation culture. FECYT, 6000€)

Summary. The objective of this project is to share knowledge about language learning with the different social groups that experience the benefits and challenges of bilingualism in their daily lives. To achieve this purpose, we are carrying out several dissemination activities that will transfer our scientific knowledge to different groups in an innovative, simple and close way. A transversal objective of this project would be to reflect the relevance of women in science. We conducted the following events: Outreach events in educational centers including (i) workshops in educational centers, and (ii) webinar for families («One brain, two languages: myths and realities»). We also held several open days of our laboratories for different schools and families. In order to broaden our impact in online dissemination, we designed a series of scientific dissemination videos in which we deal with different topics in a rigorous and consistent tone. With this initiative, we generate a material easily accessible to the general population through our Youtube channel (In Spanish with English subtitles). For example; Science from within, Debunking the Myths of Bilingualism, and Relaying evidence from the lab to our society

Scientific responsabilities

  • Reviewer of scientific manuscripts in high-impact journals such as Frontiers of Psychology, Applied psycholinguistic, Brain and Language, Studies in second language acquisition, Memory and Cognition, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, and Translational Issues in Psychological Science.
  • External reviewer for the National Science Foundation: NSF
  • Co-supervisor of Bachelor’s, Bachelor’s Honours, and Master’s Thesis
  • Grant preparation: How do multilingual adults compose interpersonal communications? The impact of language use on typing production (Submitted to Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Insight Development Grants. 75000$).