My adventure into the realm of research started in 2016 when I started my predoctoral studies under the supervision of Professor Pedro Macizo. This marked the starting point of my research career at the Mind, Brain, and Behavior Research Center (CIMCYC). Throughout these years, my focus has been dedicated to exploring learning strategies that foster the acquisition of foreign languages. Along this process, I did a three-month international stay at Donder’s University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands. Following this enriching experience, I successfully obtained my PhD in 2019.
After that, I began a three-year postdoctoral tenure at the University of Algarve in Portugal (2019-2022). During my stay there, my research was primarily centered on unraveling the neurolinguistic mechanisms underlying word processing.
Upon concluding my time in Portugal, I returned to Granada to continue with my investigations into language learning strategies.
What I like the most about my research is the opportunity to translate the findings of experimental psychology into the daily lives of individuals, thereby facilitating their journey in acquiring a new language. As I always say, “learning a language is not as easy as rubbing a magic lamp, but it can be facilitated by implementing appropriate learning strategies”.
XVI International Symposium of Psycholinguistics (ISP). Measuring the Automaticity of the N170 Component: The Role of Attentional Focus. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, JOÃO CORREIA, ALEXANDRA REIS, LUÍS FAÍSCA, University of Basque Country (Vitoria-Gasteiz). Oral presentation, 2023
X International CIMCYC Workshop. Building a multilingual brain: Research in acquisition of a second language and its cognitive implications. MELODIE BELLEGARDA, ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, CRISTINA LÓPEZ-ROJAS, MARTA REYES SÁNCHEZ, MARTA RIVERA ZURITA, TERESA BAJO, PEDRO MACIZO, ALEJANDRA MARFUL, DANIELA PAOLIERI, University of Granada. (GRANADA). Poster, 2023
Congress of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX) and the Portuguese Society of Experimental Psychology (APPE). Measuring the Automaticity of the N170 Component: The Role of Attentional Focus. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, ALEXANDRA REIS, LUÍS FAÍSCA. University of Algarve. Poster presentation, 2022
Lecture invitada en la plataforma Internacional Multimind. Gestures as Scaffolding to Learn Vocabulary in a Foreign Language. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA GÁMEZ. Oral lecture, 2022
International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. Semantic and Lexical Training to Learn Foreign-Language Words in Adulthood. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA GÁMEZ. Nebrija University. Oral presentation, 2021
Psychology Research Symposium (SIJPSI). What to choose? Intensive or Distributed Training for Foreign Language Learning ANA BELÉN GARCÍA GÁMEZ. Faro (Portugal). Oral presentation, 2021
Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Vocabulary acquisition in a foreign language: electrophysiological evidence of the advantage associated with semantic vs. Lexical learning. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO. Tenerife (SPAIN). Oral presentation, 2019
Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). The effect of imitating versus seeing gestures when acquiring verbs and nouns. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO. Tenerife (SPAIN). Poster, 2019
III International CIMCYC Workshop on Brain and Cognition. Activation of lexical and semantic information: Implications for the learning and use of languages in bilingualism. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, Mª ÁNGELES RAMOS, JASON OMAR, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. (GRANADA). Poster, 2019
IV Researchers training sessions (JIFFI). Biilngualism: Lights and Shadows. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, MARTA RIVERA, ANTONIO INIESTA, TERESA QUESADA. University of Granada. (GRANADA). Oral communication, 2019
XIV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. Seeing or acting? The effect of gestures on foreign language vocabulary. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, ÓSCAR CERVILLA, PEDRO MACIZO, University Rovira i Virgili (TARRAGONA). Poster, 2019
XIV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. Distributed Vs. Intensive Training Improves Semantic Access in Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, ÓSCAR CERVILLA, PEDRO MACIZO, and PILAR FERRÉ, University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona). Oral communication, 2019
XII Congress of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX). Influence of second language learning strategies in a sentence context: Semantic and Lexical methodologies. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, Sociedad de Española de Psicología Experimental y UNED. (MADRID). Oral communication, 2018
XXXI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología e Iberoamericana de Fonoaudiología (AELFA). Efectos de la realización de gestos durante el aprendizaje de sustantivos y verbos. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. (GRANADA).Poster, 2018
III Researchers training sessions (JIFFI). Influencia de estrategias de aprendizaje de segunda lengua: Metodologías léxica y semántica. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. (GRANADA). Oral communication, 2018
II International CIMCYC Workshop on Brain and Cognition. From isolated words to sentences: Influence of lexical and semantic learning methodologies. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. (GRANADA). Poster, 2018
II Researchers training sessions (JIFFI). Cómo aprender palabras en una lengua extranjera. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. (GRANADA). Oral communication, 2017
Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Learning Foreign Words Depends on the Learning Method: Electrophysiological Evidence. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. Potsdam (ALEMANIA). Poster, 2017
XIII International Symposium of Psycholinguistic. How to learn words in a foreign language: semantic vs. lexical learning. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. Braga (PORTUGAL). Oral Communication, 2017
International CIMCYC Workshop on Brain and Cognition. How to learn words in a foreign language: semantic Vs. lexical learning. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. (GRANADA). Oral communication, 2017
Psych&Ling Workshop. Strategies that improve foreign language learning. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. (GRANADA). Oral communication, 2017
I Researchers training sessions (JIFFI). El papel de los gestos en el aprendizaje de vocabulario. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. (GRANADA). Oral communication, 2016
Psychonomic Society Congress. Learning Nouns and Verbs in a Foreign Language: The Role of Gestures in Vocabulary Acquisition. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, PEDRO MACIZO, University of Granada. (GRANADA). Oral communication, 2016
La noche europea de l@s investigador@s. ¿Cómo conviven varios idiomas en el cerebro? ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ y MARTA REYES SÁNCHEZ. Organiza Centro de Investigación Mente, Cerebro y Comportamiento. Actividad dirigida a escolares de EP y ESO, 2023
Teacher Education about Multilingualism (TEAM). Explicit and Implicit Learning Strategies (screencast format). Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, 2022
IV Researchers training sessions (JIFFI). Bilingualism: Lights and Shadows. ANA BELÉN GARCÍA-GÁMEZ, MARTA RIVERA, ANTONIO INIESTA, TERESA QUESADA. University of Granada. (GRANADA). Oral communication, 2019